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Make Better Business Connections

The NEW business card app built for real life.

Download the App now.

The screen views from our app.

The App built for business owners.

What are BB Cards?


Better Information

Capture the moment, with more than just contact details.


Better Organised

Only keep contacts you really care about. Purge unwanted cards and categorise your saved cards.


Better Privacy

Provide custom contact information, to stop the unwanted sales calls, and keep control of your information.

Break free from bad OCR

Your time is precious, save it for the contacts that matter.

50% of the business cards you collect will end up in the bin.

Only edit the contacts that you want to connect with. Purge the rest.


Less phone calls. Less stress.

You don’t want to give every sales person the same details.

To maintain your privacy you need levels of business cards.

Create multiple cards within BB-Cards to share the right information, with the right people.

Download the app today to get started.

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